Third city involved is Manchester.
Inspired by the Frozen Deep, performed with friends and family.
Very personal novel
Dickens suffered all experiences when writing the novel
In his life he suffered similar experiences to those of the novel
Self-Sacrifice and love triangle of The Frozen Deep heavily influenced The Tale of Two Cities.
The plot outline is nearly the same
Fell in love with Ellen
Ellen played Lucy in the Frozen Deep
Lucie, in Tale of Two Cities, is modeled after Ellen
Sydney parallels Richard in the Frozen Deep
1858: began series of Public Readings for profit.
Became greatest reader of the greatest writer
Separated from his wife
1859: chapters 1-3 of Tale of Two Cities published.
At Age 10 he moved to London.
it was very dark and unsightly.
but greatly fascinated him.
“Magic Lantern”
Many settings of his novel were based on London and inspired from it.
“Paris is most extraordinary place in the world.”
Dickens’ trip to Paris deeply moved and excited him
Dickens reconstructs the Pre-Reconstruction Paris in The Tale of Two Cities.
1854-1868: Visited Paris about 15 times between this frame.
Dickens was fascinated by the dark and repulsive side of Paris
Especially the Morgue.
He was attracted to Repulsion
1927: writers used topography to map out the Paris Dickens based the Tale of Two Cities off of.
Historical setting for a clear, modern parallel
In 19th Century England, there was a scare of Revolution. Thus it parallels with the incubation of the French Revolution, the setting of the Tale of Two Cities.
Following A Tale of Two Cities by monthly installments is good because we can see where he intentionally put cliff hangers and where he wrote in reaction to his audience which read his writings monthly.
He didn’t write the whole story and chop it up to fit monthly installments, he wrote it month by month and like a TV show, episode by episode.
Carlisle, friend of Dickens, wrote a symbolic historical book on the French Revolution. This, Dickens used to write the French portion of the plot of The Tale of Two Cities.
In addition to Historical Story of the novel, runs very personal stories of Dickens
Passage about Mystery in chapter 3 reflects back on Dickens personal life and is hardly connected back to the rest of the novel showing that it follows a personal plot.
It stands out in the novel
Depth of personal intensity
Another Personal Layer:
Jarvish Lorey dreams about the character being recalled to life
Dickens Met Ellen, his second love, when he was 45 which is the age of the character that has been recalled to life. And the girl he is after is 17-18 years old which was how old Ellen was when Dickens fell in love with her. This parallels with his life. Specifically that, he felt recalled to life, reawakened, by his new found love of Ellen.
Sydney Carton:
Sacrifices his self so that Charles Darnet can escape with Lucie and his family.
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